
Domestic Cleaning Terms of Service

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Domestic Cleaning Terms of Service

Protect you, your cleaning business and your staff with the Maid In Business Terms of Service for domestic cleaning.

Complete the customisable template with your cleaning business information and give them to your customers. Add your terms of service to your website and social platforms for a transparent, protected and professional domestic cleaning service.

Template links are available to open and edit in Word, Google Docs or Canva - whatever works best for you

This template covers the following:

  • What cleaning work will be undertaken
  • What is included in the cleaning service
  • Your cleaners, training and conditions of contract
  • Non-compete clauses - STOP clients trying to pinch your staff!
  • Fees, payments and late fees
  • A clause to increase your rates annually
  • Additional bonus video on how I use my Terms of Service in my domestic cleaning business
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Downloadable template to protect you, your domestic cleaning business and your staff

Fully customisable
Available to open in Word, Google Docs or Canva
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